{{::'30 Day Money Back Guarantee' | xlat}}

{{::'Just try it... it\'s on us' | xlat}} {{::'If you are not satisfied with your conversion' | xlat}}, {{::'just' | xlat}} {{::'let us know' | xlat}}
{{::'within 30 days and we\'ll refund you to the last penny' | xlat}}
{{::'No questions asked' | xlat}}. {{::'No small print' | xlat}}.

{{::'Time-Saving Tool' | xlat}}

{{::'We strive hard to provide the quality conversion' | xlat}} {{::'which saves a great amount of time' | xlat}},
{{::'and effort for developers.' | xlat}}
However, as with every automated
tool {{::'100% accuracy cannot be expected!' | xlat}}